“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

Robert Frost




What is the Wildlings Way?

Learning, enrichment & growth, for children, young people & adults, who need a little more.

Wildlings is an educational setting, an alternative provision, a supplemental school service, and a beautiful location for all ages to gather, for meaningful outdoor experiences.

Wildlings HQ is nestled in a stunning, private woodland, located on the Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire border. Uniquely designed to provide a rich combination of services for a whole spectrum of people, ages and needs.

We work very closely with schools, parents, local authorities and private groups to help them provide a rich and unique experience for children and young people.
We know that combining learning, enrichment and growth helps children who need a little more, to grow and thrive.

Wildlings is a local authority approved setting.
We assist schools with OFSTED inspections, support parents to work with local authorities, and help design flexi-schooling programmes with both parents and schools, around the individual needs of each child. Wildlings is a backbone for home educating families and those ready to educate otherwise.

We also hold wonderful events, from private parties to weekend foraging sessions, for all ages, from 1 to 100!

What We Offer

  • Families & Groups

    Workshops, Holiday Camps & Learning Community.

    Do you yearn for rich experiences connecting to nature?

    Do you seek a wider community or greater support?

    School holidays are filled with outdoor enrichment.
    Family workshops to learn skills like foraging or knitting.
    Access a learning community for your home-educated children.

    We invite you to explore our magical outdoor spaces and see for yourself how children and young people (and adults) thrive in this environment; with our Wildlings Way ethos at the core of our community operations.

    We offer a selection of services to connect you and your loved ones to nature, in a simple and authentic environment that fosters connection, wellbeing and growth.

  • young person and adult talking in the woods with dog

    Schools & Local Authorities

    Outdoor Alternative Provision.

    We love working at a school or county level, ensuring our supplemental services are designed for each child and young person that needs a specialised service.

    Working like this means reaching those that require something tailored to specific needs, all with the scaffolding to support those that need it most.

    Find out more about the supplemental services that we offer to children and young people.

    We cater for EOTAS and liaise around EHCPs and additional public funding.

    County approved in all areas of Due Diligence and Safeguarding.

    We can liaise around children NEET or when schools can’t meet need, and welcome Flexi-school children.


  • “Wildlings was a breakthrough moment for my son; everything just fell into place for him once we started going to the family workshops sessions. The setting, activities and opportunities for child led time are invaluable. Natalia and her team are kind, warm and like a breath of fresh air. My son counts down the days to each session; says it all!.”

    — K.W.

In some Native languages the term for plants translates to ‘those who take care of us’.
— Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Follow our journey on the Wildlings blog.